April 11th: World Parkinson’s Disease Day

On April 11th, World Parkinson’s Disease Day is commemorated, a crucial date to raise awareness about this neurodegenerative condition that affects millions of people worldwide. At GERO, we are committed to research and the development of new strategies to address this disease.

Parkinson’s is characterized by the progressive degeneration of nerve cells in the brain, leading to motor and non-motor symptoms that impact the quality of life of those affected. Globally, nearly 8 million people are affected by this condition, sparking increasing interest in the scientific and medical community.

On this day, we want to highlight the work of our researchers. Associate researcher René Vidal and assistant researcher Pamela Urrutia have been actively contributing to understanding Parkinson’s disease and developing new therapies and treatments. Through various channels, they are sharing their knowledge and research advancements, providing crucial information about the disease and our investigative initiatives.

“What is Parkinson’s?” – Researchers explain the landscape of this disease in Chile. Our associate researcher René Vidal discusses his work in this area.

René Vidal addressed the key points of the disease regarding its cause and treatment on ADN Chile

René Vidal, associate researcher at GERO, talks about what Parkinson’s is and the treatment they are working on in the laboratory: Gene Therapy. On Radio TXS Plus

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